Norcal Noisefest 2015 – Video perks
Noisefest 2015 has come and gone, and it just seems like yesterday I was running around between Cafe Colonial and The Colony b
Cinematic Summer Wedding
At the persistent request (and flattery) of a work colleague, I stepped off into the realm of wedding videography.
Norcal Noisefest 2015 – Indiegogo campaign video
This marks my fifth year being involved in the Norcal Noisefest, but 2015 marks itsĀ 20th anniversary!
GO-Biz California Business Portal
Every now and then I lend my handiwork to other agencies as well.
Norcal Noisefest 2015 – Promo
In addition to the Indigogo campaign video I need to produce, I’m also tasked with produced a 1 minute promo for the Nor
Firework Safety: Brutal Edition
TheĀ Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released a media kit on the hazards of firework use. Granted, this was somethin